Graphics by H3 Studio
Developers and land owners in downtown Omaha took responsibility for coordinating development in their neighborhood and sponsored this study to engage the public and plan for the future of the Federal District. Working with H3 Studio, Urban Advisors assisted with stakeholder engagement and a public planning process that articulated a vision for the district. Our analysis provided insight to downtown business sizes and space requirements that together with employment projections demonstrated likely future demand for employment space by firm size. Demographic analysis and projections helped understand the demand for housing preferences in the area and described demand for a variety of products in walkable downtown neighborhoods. An important consideration in this neighborhood was developing “Whole Places” that offer housing for all incomes, ages and lifestyles with access to neighborhood services and employment. The resulting plan provides a strategy for essential public improvements that will allow new growth and private development in a safe, vibrant, inclusive and pedestrian friendly environment. Key concepts detailed new public spaces as well as a new main street and traffic configuration creating the hart of the community.